A definition of the word, Frivolous.
· "Unworthy of serious attention; trivial: a frivolous novel.
· inappropriately silly: a frivolous purchase, silly, worthless
· not serious or sensible in content, attitude, or behavior; silly: a frivolous remark.
· unworthy of serious or sensible treatment; unimportant: frivolous details.
· Frivolous conduct.
· A person (who is) given to trifling or undue levity.
· Of little or no weight, worth, or importance; not worthy of serious notice: a frivolous suggestion." https://www.thefreedictionary.com/frivolous
When you read the definition for the word frivolous above, you might think that engaging in anything frivolous is to be avoided at all costs. Today, however, I was thinking about something I wanted to do. Yes, it is frivolous. It has nothing to do with getting my work done. But given the times we are in, a little fluffiness in our lives could be just the prescription.
Earlier this morning, I received a forwarded email about a desperate situation. My feelings about this do not mean that I have no empathy for what many people are going through in and around the war in Ukraine. If it were in my power, I would desperately like to do something that could help. But from the other side of the earth, there is no earthly thing I can do about that particular situation except offer prayers and words of comfort.
Actually, that is something.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a little ditty of a poem for a friend who is in hospital. Her family requested any communication that would cheer her on. So I started looking at pictures I had taken of my friend in the past. A fun image was found of her decorating a table for St. Patrick's Day at a museum where we both volunteered.
So I proceeded to email it to her with a few words, hoping that she would be feeling better by today, March 17, 2022, this year's St. Patty's. Recovery is often hastened by forgetting the moment's pain by engaging in humor or something; yes, you got it, something frivolous!
As it happened, the poem made its way along and brightened the spirits of others too. That is what started me on this frivolous streak.
So here is my new definition of what frivolousness is and does. Just in case you need a little levity today.
The Positive side of Frivolous.
· Rather than giving seriousness to the situation, it is anything but unworthy to engage in the frivolity of laughter, however trivial the chuckle.
· Engage in periods of trivial thought wandering. You might just get a witty idea.
· As a writer and illustrator of children's books, I know they can seem frivolous. But they take a lot of time and care to get right. They can even change a child’s life. Given that writing a novel takes a lot, too, no novel could be that frivolous. And if it carries you away and gives you respite from your troubles, then eat up every frivolous word.
· Yes, I can agree that some things given in the wrong context can indeed be inappropriately silly. I once bought a beautiful piece of cloth just because it caught my eye. It sat there in a box until one day; I needed just such a bolt of fabric from which to make a curtain. So worthless one day, valuable the next.
· Why are children taught to be so sensible? Of course, we all need to know how to maneuver ourselves sensibly. But as a friend once told me, "The things your children do, the attitude, the silliness that drives you up the wall can be just the quality; they need to navigate their world when they enter it as adults." That was true if there ever was a true saying.
So never mind delving into the positive side of frivolity. Engage now and then in undue levity. Laugh at the worthlessness of being too serious, and lend a positive word instead.
That reminds me of a time when a young school friend and I rolled with such laughter we could hardly stop. I laughed so hard at what I can't remember, but I remember that carefree, frivolous moment to this day!
So here is a frivolous suggestion. I think we all need our spirits lifted.
May you find a little laughter in my very frivolous poem.
March is for St. Patty's Day
When everyone is feeling Irish
And the Leprechauns are Dublin over
With laughter, even North Americans, eh!
Everyone comes out and plays.
We paint everything a limy green,
Turn Irish Potatoes into French Fries
Slurping them down with Shamrock Shakes.
We look where hearts are warm
Seeking respite from wintry winds
Calling all Irish Wizards
To get busy making Lucky Charms.
May this luck of the Irish
Send you across a Rainbow
Straight to the pot of gold
And grant your every wish.
At the moment, I am engaged in writing and illustrating my next children's book. "Abbey Finds Her Happy Place." It is about a young girl who wonders how she can get through the pandemic with no friends and no school. There is a lesson in the book about how to be calm in times of trouble.
With so many things happening in the world that makes inky thoughts excusable, I am reminding myself to take the lesson that Abbey learns to heart.
At the start of this blog, the image is of Abbey, one of the first images representing how Abbey feels at the beginning of the book. She just happens to be wearing green, which is why I include it here.
Go wear something green and hopeful…. Happy St. Patrick's Day!